English Language Study Material

The English Language section includes most often asked questions in the competitive exams. The students will find the content very much useful, and shall be able to easily score high marks in this section. In competitive exams, Test of English Language is among the four main sections like General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability Tests.

English Language Best Study Material to Ensure Your Success


DIRECTIONS : 1 – 10 :      Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

1.  Earth / revolves / round / the Sun.

      A            B                 C           D

2.  The rich / should / help / the poor.

      A               B          C              D

3.  The women / of / this country / are brave.

           A              B                  C                     D

4.  Dog / is / a faithful / animal.

       A      B          C            D

5.  He worked / for / the benefit / of disabled.

            A             B               C                D

6.  My brother is / most popular student / in / his Class.

A                    B                               C          D

7.  The more /you work, the / more / you get.

         A                      B                   C    D

8.  The / Judge in him /condemned him / to death.

       A            B                            C                          D

9.    He has / no / scruples for / begging.

          A         B              C                    D

 10.   He would / flatter you / on / your face .

    A                B             C            D

English Language Mock Test 1

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Q. 11 – 16 :       Pick out the most effective word / phrase from the given words / phrases to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

11.  If this interpretation is held valid, then the states are………………………of power to plan, implement  and monitor their schemes.

(A)   relieved      (B)   awarded      (C)   delegated       (D)    diverted

12.  In……………….of the recommendations, the Board has established a Counter to entertain complaints  from consumers.

(A)  adherence       (B)  pursuance           (C)  accordance            (D)  relation

13.  Any successful manager should establish a feeling of confidence…………………… his clients.

(A)  between       (B)  in       (C)  from         (D)  with

14.  The President made an appeal to Welfare organizations to take special care of ………………………….. women and children.

(A)  destituted          (B)  destitute          (C)  destitution         (D)  destituting

15.  He felt tired yesterday afternoon, so he………………………… down for a while.

(A)  lying           (B)  lay             (C)  lie            (D) laying

16.   I never miss a Cricket match, I………………fond of cricket since childhood.

(A)  has been       (B)  have been                      (C)  will be        (D)  am

Q. 17 – 20 :     Pick out the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given in capital letters :


       (a)  Procrastination       (b)  privilege     (c)  deviation   (d)   steadfastness        (e)  benevolence


         (a)  precept                   (b)  perception           (c)  point            (d)  maxim            (e)  news


         (a)  harsh                        (b)  annoyed               (c)  mild               (d)  obstinate         (e)  mild


         (a)  completely              (b)  excessively         (c)  severely        (d)  naturally        (e)  essentially  

English Language Mock Test 2

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DIRECTIONS : Q. 21 – 30 :        In each of the following questions, a sentence is given which has a portion underlined. Below the sentences are given three alternative substitutes (marked A, B, C ) which will provide improvement to the underlined portion of the sentence. The fourth alternative

( marked D ) indicates that ‘No’ improvement’ is necessary. Select the correct response from the four alternatives .

 21.  It is a pity that so scarcely any people give money to help the poor.

         (a)  so little (b)  so small                  (c)  so few                 (d)  no improvement

22.   I can’t understand you to laugh at that unfortunate fellow .

         (a)  why laugh        (b)  your laughing        (c)  you laugh         (d)  No improvement

23.  You had better have your hair cut.

       (a)  to have cut your hair       (b)    to have your hair cut       (c)  had your hair cut      (d)  No improvement.

24.  He would have succeeded, unless he had taken part in the competition .

       (a)  had he taken part   (b)  until he had taken part   (c)  even he had taken part    (d)  No improvement.

25.  I will telephone you after  I would have reached home tomorrow .

       (a)  reached     (b)  had reached          (c)  reach                    (d)  No improvement.

26.  I was disappointed with my friends, as they did a little to help me.

       (a)  very small         (b)  very least         (c)  very little     (d)  No improvement

27.  You are expected not talk in the examination hall.

        (a)  no talk                   (b)  not to talk         (c)  not talking        (d)  No improvement

28.  The patient was advised to abstain from drinking  alcohol .

        (a)  drinking alcohol (b)  to drink alcohol        (c) drink alcohol        (d)  No improvement

29.  The dance that you saw it last night was a classical .

        (a)  which you saw last night  (b)  which saw you last night  (c)  what you saw last night    (d)  No improvement

30.   For he was tired of life, he committed suicide .

         (a)  why he was tired of life       (b)  He was tired of life    (c)  As he was tired of life          (d)  No improvement

English Language Mock Test 3

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  1. A (  Use article ‘The’ before :
  • The names of unique things ( the sun, the moon ) .
  • The Superlative degree ( e.g. the best , the worst ) .
  •  The name of states , countries etc., having a descriptive name ( e.g. Punjab, U.K. ) .
  • The name of scriptures (  e.g. Gita , Ramayana )  .
  • The name of newspapers.
  • The name of famous buildings.
  • The name of rivers, canals, seas, ocean, group of islands etc.
  • The name of nationals, sects and communities etc.

2. E No Error

3. A

       4.     A             ‘The dog’ To denote the class of dog  .

       5.     D             ‘The disabled’ To denote the class of disabled  .

       6.     B             The most  .

       7.     E              No Error

       8.     E              No error

       9.     C             ‘scruples in’  .

       10.   C             ‘to your face’  .

       11.   D             divested  .

       12.   B             pursuance  .   

       13.  (b)           14.    (B)      15.     (B)      16.    (B)      17.    (C)     18.      (D)    19.  (E)    20.  (C)   21.  (C)          

       22.  (B)          23.    (D)      24.     (A)      25.    (C)      26.    (C)     27.     (B)     28.  (D)    29. (A)   30.  (C)


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 10 : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer as E.

1. Unless he / will be / more careful, he / will not recover .

        A               B                     C                               D

2.  Wait here / Until your brother / do not return .

          A                            B                               C

3.  Work hard / lest you / may not fail.

            A   B                  C

4.  He talked / as if / he had been mad.

           A             B              C

5.  He was driving / some one else / car, not ours.

 A                            B                             C

6.  Rajiv is / more abler / than / his friend.

          A                  B                  C             D

7.  His brother is / junior than / mine.

               A                         B                C

8.  It would be a great advantage / if industrial management took long / hard look /

A                                                  B                                                   C

    at the information provided.


9.  I missed the train / that I usually catch / and have to travel by next / which was a slow train.

A                         B                                             C                                             D

10.  Ritu is prettier / than any other / woman member / of the family.

A                                 B                               C                             D

Q. 11 – 20 :     Chose the word which best completes the sentence :

11.  Ranjit was charged—————— murder.

        (A)  about           (B)  of                       (C)  in              (D) from

12.   Richa invited me————— tea.

              (A)  to                (B)  at                 (C) for         (D) On

13.   Prema is blind—————— one eye.

          (A)  from              (B)  with            (C)  of          (D)  on

14.   Sarika is engaged ——————Mohan.

         (A)  in                    (B) for                (C)  to          (D)  with

15.   His treatment—————– his servant is notoriously mean.

         (A)  of               (B)  with          (C) for           (D) to          (E)  about

16.  The passengers cried that the water was coming into the ship, but the Captain

        ———— them that there was no danger.

       (A)  assured         (B)  promised            (C)  notified             (D)  declared.

17.   A number of advances in medicine would have been ————- sooner if free enquiry had been common and orthodox thinking habits had been rare.

        (A)  secured                 (B)  persisted          (C)  achieved          (D)  inducted

18.   It was ten years ago—————the paper was stopped.

        (A)  since           (B)  for                     (C)  that            (D)  as             (E)  from

19.  I would ————– suffer than that you should wait.

       (A)  even         (B)  more          (C)  much             (D)  rather

20.  I am angry with him —————– his faithlessness.

        (A)  of                  (B)   on             (C)  for             (D)  in

English Language Mock Test 4

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English Language Mock Test 5

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1.            A             “Unless he is ……………..”  .

2.            C             “Until your brother returns”, Use of not is not allowed with unless, lest and until because they are already in the negative sense  .

3.            C             “lest you should fail”. Lest is always followed by should and is used in the sense of so that ………….not .

4.             No error. “As if” is used in the sense of pretension .

5.            B             “someone else’ s car………………….”  .

6.            B             “more able”, . ‘Double comparative’ or  ‘Double superlative’ should not be used.

7.            B             ‘junior to …………’.

Comparatives as superior, inferior, prior , senior, posterior, anterior etc. ending in the suffix “or” are followed by “to”.

8.            B             “…………………took a long hard look …………..”

9.            C            Instead of ‘have’ it should be ‘had’ to agree with the form of verb in previous clause.

10.          C             “Any other woman of the family”.

11.          (B)          12.         (A)          13.          (C)          14.          (C)          15.          (A)         16.          (A)          17.          (C)          18.          (A)                19.          (D)         20.          (C)


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 5 :        In the following questions, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered as 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is spilt into four parts and named, P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct .

  1. (I) For some people patriotism.

    (P) today man belongs to the whole world

    (Q) it should be condemned because

    (R) type of patriotism is an evil and

    (S) means hatred for other countries, but this

    (I) as much as to any one country.

 (a) SRQP         (b)   RSPQ     (c)  PQSR         (d)   OPS

2. (I) Violence is emerging as a dominant mode of social interaction in situations of deepening  conflicts  and cleavages.

(P)  The most serious outbreaks of violence are due to socio-economic and political reactions.

(Q)  For instance, development has pitched one section of the needy against another.

(R)  While this is generally true of all areas, the poorer and so – called backward areas are particularly  affected.

(S)  A new phenomenon, development, is oddly enough becoming an area of war.

(3)  Finally, the state itself is dominated by elements out to steam roll the entire social fabric.

(a)   RPQS          (b)   PRSQ         (c)   QSPR      (d)   RQSP

(I) In other words, grammar grows and changes, and there is no such thing as correct use of English for the past, the present, and the future.

     (P) “The door is broke”

     (Q)  Yet this would have been correct in Shakespeare’s time

     (R) To-day, only an uneducated person would say, “My arm is broke”.

     (S)  For example, in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, there is the line

     (6) All the words that man has invented are divided into eight classes, which are called parts of  speech.

(a)  PSQR       (b)    SPRQ      (c)    QPSR      (d)     RSPQ

4. (I) Politeness is not a quality possessed by only one nation or race .

(P)  One may observe that a man of one nation will remove his hat or fold his hands by way of greetings  when he meets someone he knows.

(Q)  A man of another country will not do so.

(R)  It is a quality to be found among all peoples and nations in every corner of the earth.

(S) Obviously, each person follows the custom of his particular country.

(6) In any case, we should not mock at others’ habit.

(A)   PRQS         (B)   RPQS    (C)    QSPR     (D)   SQPR

5. (I) Napoleon pursued his maxim, “Divide and conquer” and won grate victories.

(P)  The same plan was adopted by the Britishers who ruled India.

(Q)  Isn’t it true that, “divided we fall while united we state”.

(R) Who can question the fact that a large army whose office are not united among themselves is easily defeated by a small but effective army ?

(S)  He made it a point to launch attacks when the enemy was alone and helpless.

(6)  Napoleon also adopted the subtle tactics of creating dissentions in the enemy ranks and then  crushing them.

(A)   SPQR         (B)   RPQS    (C)    QSPR     (D)   SQPR

English Language Mock Test 6

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 Q. 6 – 15 :      Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill the blanks to make the sentences meaningfully complete :

6. The organizers of the conference have ——————– the allegations made against them.        

     (a)  retorted        (b)  rebuked          (c)  repudiated        (d)  repulsed         (d)  requited.

7.  Untouchability is still in vogue and atrocities are being ————– against Dalits.

     (a) perpetrated       (b) executed          (c)  perpetuated               (d)  transmitted         (e)  inflicted

8.  The Prime  Minister has————–people to restore peace.

     (a)  consoled     (b)  applauded        (c)  appealed            (d)  reprimanded         (e)  exhorted

9.  He brought forward several—————–arguments in support of his scheme.

     (a)  conclusion       (b)  compulsive          (c)  committed          (d)  cogent         (e) cognitive

10.  Young people are expected to ————– to  the wishes of their elders.

      (a)  attribute                         (b)  subscribe               (c)  defer                   (d)  ascribe           (e) refer

11.  Since you knew they were planning to come today you ——————-have stayed at home.

       (a)  should             (b)  can                              (c)     must                      (d)  may

12.   Being very —————–, he is slow but decisive in resolving disputes.

        (a)  lethargic                    (b)  dull           (c)  tardy             (d)  circumspect (e)  secluded

13.  India believes in co – existence, not —————, in acceptance, not rejection.

        (a)  alienation       (b)  annihilation          (c)  aggression         (d)  endurance         (e)  defection

14.   As an organization changes from one system to another ———————- , problems would no doubt arise.

       (a)   intervening          (b)   temporary         (c)   innovative         (d)            transient          

       (e)  transitory

15.  I am amenable ————–disease as the humid climate does not agree ——————me.

(a) to; with                        (b)  into; for            (c)  for; to                      (d)  about; by

English Language Mock Test 7

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Q. 16 – 21 :         Which of the words / phrases A, B, C and D given below should replace the phrase underlined in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction as required, mark E as the answer.

16.  Unlike other people, I like him not because he is handsome but that he is virtuous.

         (A)  because his   (B)  because of his      (C)  also      (D)  because he is     (E) No correction required

17.   You may appoint whatever you think can do the job most efficiently.

        (a)  whomever you think      (b)  anybody you thought      (c) anybody who thinks

        (d)  whosoever you think     (e)  No correction required

 18.  The reason he has been so fat is because he never takes exercise.

         (a)  That he has never taken     (b)  that he would never take       (c)  that he never takes

         (d)  because he didn’t ever take any       (e) No correction required

19.   Bad movies affect people living in today’s society more than they did in previous years.

        (a)  they had some       (b)  they did those        (c)  they had been done       (d)  they would have Done          (e)  No correction required

20.   All over Russia, Indian films are popular than those in any other country.

       (a) in              (b)  that of       (c)  those of       (d)  that in       (e)  No correction required

21.  You are already as well acquainted with these affairs as I am.

       (a)  known       (b)   as acquainted       (c) settled          (d)  enlightened         (e)  No correction required

English Language Mock Test 8

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22 – 25 :     Pick out the word that is exactly opposite in meaning to the given word :

22.  Adherent   

        (A)  supporter        (B)  opponent     (C)  savior     (D)  deserter          (E)  repellent

23. Flout             

        (A)  sneer                (B)  accept           (C)  hail         (D)  insult                (E)   insult

24.  Release       

       (A)  liberate             (B)  deliver          (C)  catch      (D)  hold                   (E)  arrest

 25.  Penalty      

      (A)  reward               (B)  award           (C)  prize       (D)  punishment      (E)  breach



1.            (A)         The correct sentence is “ For some people patriotism means hatred for other country,  but this type of patriotism is an evil and it should be condemned because today man  belongs to the whole world as much as to any one country ” .

2.            (C)          PRSQ

3.            (B)          SPRQ

4.            (B)          RPQS

5.            (A)          SPQR

6.            (C)          7.            (A)                          8.            (E)          9.            (D)          10.          (C)          11.          (A)          12.          (D)          13.                (C)          14.          (A)          15.          (A)          16.          (D)          17.          (D)          18.          (C)          19.          (E)          20.          (C)                21.          (E)          22.          (E)          23.          (B)          24.          (E)          25.          (A)


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 12 :      Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

1.  Such a life as this / is far conducive to health / than that of the man / who rises late / No Error.

               A                                     B                                               C                                    D                      E

2.  The discourse reflects the speaker’s enlightenment / in the subject / which stems out from

  A                                                                      B                                        C

/ The experience and original thinking / No Error.

                       D                                                   E

3.  In spite of / all his faults / I cannot help / but like him / No Error.

A               B                           C                             D                     E

4.  School offers many opportunities of meeting / helpful people, reading useful books /

                                        A                                                                     B                            

        and obtain information about / a variety of public careers / No Error.

C                                             D                                      E

5.  The politicians in particular / get carried away / by analogies and draw /

A                                       B                                        C

       unwarranted conclusions from them / No Error.

                                 D                                            E

6.  I am / in / the teaching / line / No Error.

      A      B            C                D          E

7.  The pickpocket / was caught / and / his pockets searched / No Error.

    A                       B                 C                         D                             E

8.  A lots of people / go to the hill resorts / during the summer vacation /

                  A                                 B                                                C

     even thought it has become extremely expensive in travel these days / No Error.

D                                                                                  E

9.  Except he / and possibly / my brother, all others, have agreed / to come back soon / No Error.

A                   B                                C                                             D                                E

10.  This time tomorrow / everyone would have read / of your success, and all sorts of /

A                                                             B                                                  C                                 

        people call up to congratulate you / No Error.

                                D                                           E                       

11.  All my advice / could not / dissuade him of /the foolish attempt / No Error.

           A                      B                           C                         D                                    E

12.  The present / secretary have been / defeated and the new officer / have been elected /

A                               B                                                 C                                       D                   

       No Error.


English Language Mock Test 9

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Q. 13 – 24 :              In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. The question related to these numbers are given below. The passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately in the context of the whole passage. Find out the appropriate words :

The – (13) — of a survey by the National Institute of …………………….. (4) Health give …………… (15) ………….. for …………….. (16). According to the survey about 14 million people in India are affected by ……………………..(17) ……………… mental……………..(18) ……………… at any point of time. In the case of mentally ill, it is ………………. (19) …………………. enough difficult to ………………..(20) ………………… them, let alone ……………… (21) ………………… them. The most ……………. (22) ……….. are those in the ……………. (23) …………….. areas, for whatever ………………… (24) ……………….. for the mentally sick exist are concentrated around major urban centers.

Q.13   (1) findings      (2) judgments        (3) decisions       (4) verdicts       (5) measures.

Q.14   (1) Physical      (2) Mental              (3) Psychical       (4) Social            (5) Spiritual.

Q.15   (1)  reinforcement        (2)  food           (3)  support          (4)  purpose           (5)  cause.

Q.16   (1)  discontent              (2)  dissatisfaction         (3)  alarm          (4)  vexation   (5)  fear.

Q.17   (1)  fatal                         (2)  strong             (3)  dangerous        (4)  serious        (5)  important.

Q.18   (1)  perturbation      (2)  confusion        (3)  involvement          (4)  disorder        (5)   dislocation.

Q.19   (1)  often      (2)  seldom      (3)  hardly        (4)  never         (5)  occasionally.

Q.20   (1) cure     (2)  identify      (3)  select      (4)  rehabilitate       (5)  recognize.

 Q.21   (1) guide      (2) facilitate       (3) treat        (4) advise       (5) cure.

Q.22   (1)  indifferent      (2)  neglected      (3)  serious    (4)  abandoned       (5) careless.

Q.23   (1)  forest        (2)  urban        (3)  rural         (4)  suburban          (5)  facilities.

 Q.24  (1)  solicitations      (2)  avenues        (3)  advantages        (4)  remedies          (5)  facilities.

English Language Mock Test 10

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1.            B             Say,   ‘ is more conducive to health’ to justify the use of than in ( C )  .

2.            C             Say ,  ‘ which stems from ……………………’  .

3.            E              No Error.

4.            C             ‘ Obtain ’ should be ‘obtaining’  to agree with of meeting and ‘reading’  .

5.            A             Delete ‘The’ before politicians  .

6.            C             Say ,  ‘ teaching profession ’  .

7.            D             Say ,   ‘ his pockets were searched ’  .

8.            A             Say ,  ‘ A lot of people ’  .

9.            A             Say ,  ‘ Excepting he ’………………..  .

10.          D             Say ,  ‘ people would call up ………….’

11.          C             Say ,  ‘ Dissuade him from ………………………’ .

12.          B             Say , ‘ has been ‘ .

13.        (1)            14.   (2)          15.  (5)             16.       (3)          17.      (4)               18.    (4)                19.     (1)              

20.       (2)            21.  (5)           22.  (2)              23.       (3)            24.      (5).


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 15 :        Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

  1. We saw / every man and every body / busy with / their work / No Error.

           A                            B                                          C                  D                   E

2.            Either of the two / roads lead / to/ the railway station / No Error.

A                      B             C  D                                   E

3.            There was / only / a boy and a girl / in the class / No Error.

       A               B                    C                             D                  E

4.            In my work / I have not to / do a thing / the  whole afternoon / No Error.

          A                         B                        C                             D                           E

5.            Her face / is / more beautiful / than your / No Error.

         A         B               C                         D                  E

6.            She is one of those / women who / never/ gets tired / No Error.

   A                             B                    C                   D                 E

7.            This is more / interesting of / the / two books / No Error.

A                    B                  C                 D                   E

8.            She prefers to be / poor and honest / than to be / rich dishonest / No Error.

                           A                                 B                          C                         D                       E

9.            Neither / of the four cars / is / worth purchasing / No Error.

       A                      B                 C                   D           E

10.         My house / and / your are / white washed / No Error.

         A              B            C                     D                     E

11.          Putting in hard work / to help others / is what he likes / from his heart / No Error.

A                             B                             C                             D                         E

12.          This is the only one / of his stories / that are / worth reading / No Error.

                     A                              B                    C                       D                          E

 13.         One of the most universal / desire with which /poor humanity is afflicted / is for a long life /  

   A                                               B                                            C                                    D

No Error.  


14.  It was clear / from the way they were behaving / that everyone of them / had lost his senses   

       A                                             B                                                        C                                  D

/ No Error.


15.          It is / I who / is / to blame / No Error.

                  A         B       C          D                    E

English Language Mock Test 11

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Q.16 – 30 :      Choose the word which best completes the sentence :

6.  The boat capsized and all the passengers were —————- in the river.

(a)  Drowned        (b)   sunk         (c) collapsed          (d)   merged

17.  R.N. Tagore was an ——————– poet of India.

(a)  Imminent       (b)  immature      (c)   eminent        (d)   immense

18.  The landlord has threatened to —————–me, if I do not vacate the house by next month.

(a)  suspend       (b)  accuse       (c)  snub       (d)  charge

19.  Though grown-up, he still retains his ———— innocence .

(a)  childish      (b)  childlike       (c)  chilly        (d)  cheap

20.  We sat on a —————-wintry morning.

(a)  cool      (b)  cold      (c)  warn     (d)  chilly

21.  Many far-reaching decisions were taken at that —————meeting.

(a)  historical        (b)  historic       (c)  historically      (d)  hectic

22.  I want to have a ————– of flats on rental basis.

(a)  set     (b)  pack       (c)  conclave      (d) suite      (e)  block

23.  I shall go to Bombay tomorrow to see the doctor you ————–.

(a)  counsel      (b)  advise       (c)  guide       (d)  advocate     (e)  recommend 

24.  Though fond of many acquaintances, I desire ————— only with a few.

(a)  introduction      (b)  cordiality      (c)  intimacy        (d)  encounter      (e)  exchange

25.  To break the stalemate over the controversial issue, the Prime  Minister held discussions today with   four other leaders to ———— a consensus.

(a)  capture     (2)  win      (3)   develop        (4)  evolve         (5)   emerge

26.  He dislikes being talked ——————-.

(a)  to                    (b)   with              (c)   about              (d)  at

27.  Harish was born ————— humble parents in Mumbai .

(a) to        (b)   from       (c)   with       (d)  of

28.  He is efficient ——————– a fault.

(a)  with      (b) in    (c) to     (d) without

29.  I have hardly recovered from the —————–experience I had while meeting him yesterday.

(a)  dramatic         (b)  pleasant        (c)  enriching       (d)  enthralling       (e)   traumatic

30.  In India, the percentage of drop-outs from school at Class VIII level is ————————–.

(a)  Innumerable       (b)   appalling        (c)   stupendous         (d)  colossal

English Language Mock Test 12

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1.            D             Say , ‘his work’ . If two singular nouns are preceded by ‘Each’ or Every’ and are joined by  ‘and’ the pronoun for them must be in singular  .

2.            B             Say , ‘roads leads …………..’ . when we use ‘Either of the two’ ‘or ‘Neither of the two’, we in fact, refer to one .

3.            A             Say , “ There were ………….”  .

4.            B             Say ,  “I do not have to ……………..”  .

5.            D             Say ,  “ yours’ to convey the meaning of your face ” .

6.            D             Say ,  ‘ get tired ‘  .

7.            A             Say , ‘ the more interesting ……………… .

8.            C             Say , “ to being …………”  .

9.            A             Say , “ None of the four ………….” .  ‘Neither’  is used for two persons or things  .

10.          C             Say , “ My house and yours are ………….” .

11.          D             Say , ‘in his heart’  .

12.          C             Say , ‘is worth reading’ . The antecedent of ‘that’ is one  .

13.          B             Say , ‘desires’ . The antecedent of ‘which’ is desires, not one  .

14.          E              No error

15.          C             Replace ‘is’ by ‘am’ .

‘who’ must be in the first person to agree with its antecedent ‘I’ . Therefore, it should take a verb in the first person  .

16.          (a)          17.          (c)           18.          (c)           19.          (b)          20.         (d)          21.          (b)         

22.          (e)          23.          (e)          24.          (c)         25             (4)          26           (c)           27           (d)

28           (c)           ‘To a fault’ is an idiom . Here it means he is ‘over  efficient’  .

29.          (e)          30.          (b) .


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1-15 :          In each of the following questions, there are four words, of which one is misspelt. You have to find the misspelt word .

1.            (a)  approval       (b)  appology             (c)   appeal             (d)  appetite

2. (a)  governer       (b)  operator           (c)  controller        (d)  narrator

3. (a)  despair          (b)  maintenance   (c)  maintain          (d)  desperate

4. (a)  truely             (b)  rudely               (c)   cruelly             (d)  verbally

5. (a)  injurious        (b)  dangerous       (c)   wonderous     (d)  ponderous

6. (a)  democracy    (b)  advocacy         (c)   aristocracy     (d)  courtec

7. (a)  flowery          (b)  dowery            (c)   jewelry        (d)  robbery

8.            (a)  winning          (b)  winner             (c)   writer              (d)  writting

9.            (a)  peep               (b)  deep                 (c)   weak               (d)  weap

10.         (a)  adhere           (b)  advice               (c)   adiction       (d)  address

11.        (a)  carriage          (b)  garrage             (c)   marriage        (d)  barrage     

12.        (a)  might                 (b)  hight                 (c)   light                (d)  fight

13.        (a)  lovable              (b)  honourary        (c)  honorable    (d)  laudable

14.        (a)  accuse             (b)  accept               (c)  accute             (d)  accustom

15.        (a)  advice             (b)  practice             (c)   life                  (d)  paradice

English Language Mock Test 13

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DIRECTIONS :  Q. 16 – 20 : In the following questions there is a sentence at the beginning of each question which has the infinitive form of one or more verbs given in brackets. In A, B, C and D alternative tense forms of the verbs given in brackets are suggested. Only one set of the suggested form of verbs is correct. Find out which one it is :

16.  He (be) hardly out in the garden, when it, suddenly (begin) to rain.

(a)  will be ; will begin         (b) was ; began           (c) is ; begins      (d) would ; beginning

17.  I (go) when he (come back).

(a) will go ; will come   (b) will go ; coming   (c) will be going ; shall come   (d) shall go; comes

18.  The bridge (collapse) if a heavy truck (go) over it.

        (a) collapsed ; had gone     (b) would collapse ; went  (c) will collapse ; will go   (d) had collapsed ; went

19.  He (take) the examination twice, but (fail) each time.

        (a) has taken ; has failed      (b)  has taken ; had failed      (c) took ; failing        (d)  had taken ; fails

20.  The servant (hang) the clothes that he (wash).

        (a) wall hang ; will wash   (b)   hanged ; washed   (c)  hung ; had washed   (d)  is hanging ; washes

English Language Mock Test 14

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DIRECTIONS : Q. 21 – 32 :            Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E .

21.  I love / you more / than / he / No Error.

          A               B C        D          E

22.  I am suffering / from fever / for the past / two months / No Error.

A                             B                    C                        D                           E

23.  My father’s / secretary’s wife / met me / yesterday / No Error.

A                             B                      C             D           E

24.  Sooner / it is done / the better / it is / No Error.

          A                  B                  C              D            E

25.  I have seen / him outside / the cinema house / last night / No Error.

A                       B                            C                        D      E

26.  I never have and / never intend to / visit / foreign countries / No Error.

       A                              B                     C                   D                       E

27.  He wished me / to drink with him / but which / I declined / No Error.

   A                                 B                         C                          D                 E

28.  He told me / that / now he had become / so rich / No Error.

A                  B                        C                          D                 E

29.  Our teacher asked me / that / why we did not participate / in the function / No Error.

               A                             B                             C                                           D                              E

30.  If you do not / agree to my request / then / I shall be forced to take drastic action / No Error.

    A                               B                              C                                        D                                         E

31.  His death brought more tributes / than were paid / at the passing of / any human being in

A                                                     B                               C                                       D

    History /     No Error.


32.  As she dived off the springboard / she was horrified to see / that the water was drained /

A                                                             B                                                    C

      from the pool the night before / No Error

D                                            E

English Language Mock Test 15

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  1. (B)          2.            (A)          3.            (B)          4.            (A)          5.            (C)          6.           (D)         

7.    (B)          8.            (D)          9.            (D)          10.          (C)          11.          (B)          12.          (B)

13.  (B)          14.          (C)          15.          (D)          16.          (B)          17.          (D)          18.          (B)         

19.  (A)          20           (C)

21.  E              ( No error )        

We determine the case of a pronoun following ‘than’ or ‘as’ by mentally supplying the verb as :

( I )         I love you more than he ( love you ) .

( II )        Rama loves Sita as much as she ( loves Ram ) .

22.  A      Say , “ I have been …………..” .

23.  A     The use of ‘double possessive’ should be avoided .

The sentence can be better written like this : “ The wife of my father’s secretary met me yesterday ”.

24.   A                    Say , “ The sooner it is done the better ……………………” .

When two comparative degree are used in the same sentence ; both should have

‘the’ before them  .

25.    A                   Say , ‘ I saw ………………….’  .

 ‘ Last night ’ in section ‘D’ indicates action in the past  .

26.  A                     Say ,  “ I never have visited and never ………………..”  .

27.  B                     delete ‘but’

28.  B                     delete ‘that’

29.  B                     delete ‘that’

30.  C                     delete ‘then’

31.  B                     Say , ‘than had been …………’

In a complex sentence the clause succeeding one in simple past should be in past perfect .

32.   C                    Say , “the water had been …………..”  .


Q . 1 – 5 :         In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.

Photography is both fascinating and useful, above all because it helps to (1) the child’s creative instincts. In this sense, photography is similar to painting. A young photographer is trained to (2) the surroundings carefully, in the search for inserting pictures to take. Then there is the question of patience. Imagine a child wants to take a picture of a cricket match or of a bird feeding its young. He will have to (3) quite some time on the cricket ground or in the forest before he (4) his aim. The result, though, is not only a successful picture but also a lesson as to the (5) of patience and determination in work.

1.            (a)          focus           (b)    develop     (c)    channel    (d)     bring         (e)        generate

2.            (a)          chase          (b)    visualize    (c)     find           (d)      enjoy        (e)       observe

3.            (a)          spend         (b)    coin            (c)     refrain      (d)       direct        (e)       decide

4.            (a)          gets             (b)    aspires         (c)  justifies    (d)     achieves   (e)      sets

5.            (a)          reflection   (b)   fun              (c)     value        (d)      pleasure   (e)      focus

English Language Mock Test 16

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Q. 6 – 20 :          Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

 6. Let us not oppose the Government / for omitting to do /  what every cabinet / would have

    A                                                     B                                        C                              D

  omitted /     No Error.


7. This book is as important / a piece of criticism /as any book / written on this topic / No Error.

       A                                             B                                C                               D                                    E

8. When you are / in the wrong / you cannot afford / to loose your temper / No Error.

A                   B                             C                                     D                         E

9. Before he became a minister / he had gone / to the prison several times /

             A                                      B                                          C

     and had suffered poverty and deprivation / No Error .

                                           D                                             E

10.  Since the day the strike was declared / thirty workers have been sacked / and ten submitted /

     A                                                                        B                                                   C

       their resignation / No Error .

     D                           E

11. The present secretary / has been defeated / and the new officers / have been elected / No Error.

           A                                       B                                            C                                            D                           E

12.  She walked / as fastly as / she could until she reached / the road which led to her house / No Error.

                A                        B                                      C                                                           D                                E

13.  The visitors complained at / the poor /accommodation they / were given / No Error.

A                                  B                            C                                D                  E

14.   All this reveal / the confusion in the government / over the causes /

   A                                            B                                                 C

        of this year’s  unprecedented spurt in prices / No Error.

                                             D                                                   E

15.  If it had not been / for your folly, / you have been a partner / in the firm today / No Error.

    A                              B                                      C                                  D                             E

16.  It must be said / in his credit / that he stood by his friend / through thick and thin / No Error.

                  A                           B                                    C                                                  D                                  E

17.  He has written / in the first chapter itself / that saints should always be judged guilty /

A                                             B                                                             C                                                            

       unless  they are proved innocent / No Error.

                     D                                                E

18.  Of all the men I know / none is less inclined / than him / to believe ill of others / No Error.

       A                                     B                               C                            D                                      E

19.  In order that / he might learn / the language quickly / he  engaged a teacher / No Error.

               A                              B                                      C                                         D                                 E

20.  How fast / one master new skills / are indicative / of his guts / No Error.

A                             B                               C                          D               E

English Language Mock Test 17

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1.            (B)          2.            (E)          3.           (A)          4.            (D)          5.            (C)

6.            C             Say , “ What every other cabinet …………..” .

7.            C             Say , “ any other book written ……………….”  .

8.            D             Say , ‘ lose’  in place of  ‘loose’ . ( verb form of loss ‘is’ lose’ )  .

9.            D             delete ‘had’ .

10.          C             Say , “ and ten have submitted …………………”  .

11.          E              No error

12.          B             Say , “ as fast as ”. Since fast is an adverb, it does not take the suffix ‘ly’  .

13.          A             Say ,  “ complained about …………..”  .

14.          A             Say , ‘ reveals ’ . As a subject ‘All this ’ is always in the singular number  .

15.          C             Say , “ you should have been ………………”  .

16.          B             Say , “ to his credit ………………….” .

17.          D             Say , “ they prove to be ……………..”  .

18.          C             Say , ‘he’ in place of ‘him’  .

19.          D             Substitute ‘teacher’ with ‘tutor’  .

20.          C             Replace ‘are’ by ‘is’ .


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 6 : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

The night was cold and dark. There was a great storm, thunder and lightning also. Most men and animals, adequately protected, were asleep in their homes. They were warm and happy. But some monkeys were running through the forest. They had no warm home and they were cold. Worried monkeys looked everywhere for shelter. They had almost resigned themselves to be flattened out by the cold. Suddenly they saw some fireflies. Now, fireflies have a light in their tails, as all our children know. The monkeys took the light for fire, poor things they did not know any better. They said, “we will go near the fire and warm ourselves”.

There was a flock of birds in tree nearby, one bird had a kind heart and it felt sorry for the monkeys. It called out, “that is not fire, my friends. Those are fireflies. They give no heat. It is futile to run after them”. The monkeys got furious. Their rage knew no bounds. They did not thank the bird. One monkey said rudely, “Is it so ? We do not want unsolicited advice. I will teach you to say there is no fire. He jumped up the tree and pulled the poor bird out of its nest.” Alas! said the poor bird, “Why did I try to help a fool ?”

1.  The monkeys were running through the forest because –

(A)          They were in search of food.

(B)          Monkeys like running about.

(C)          they were in search of warm place.

(D)          they wanted to bill birds and eat them away.

(E)          None of these.

2.  Why were the monkeys angry ?

(A)          The bird spoke to the monkey rudely.

(B)          The monkey didn’t like the advice of the bird.

(C)          The monkey couldn’t get heat from the fireflies.

(D)          It was very cold and they couldn’t find warm place.

(E)          None of these.

3.  What happened finally to the bird ?

(A)          The bird flew away from the tree.

(B)          The bird was billed by the monkey.

(C)          The bird managed to escape from monkey’s hold.

(D)          The bird took shelter on another tree.

(E)          It is not given in the passage.

 4.  Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage ?

(A)          The night was cold and dark.

(B)          The bird had a kind heart.

(C)          Fireflies have a light in their tails.

(D)          Most of the monkeys were in search of food.

(E)          The bird thought the monkeys were foolish.

5.  What did monkeys see in the Jungle ?

(A)          The monkeys saw birds in a tree.

(B)          The monkeys saw fire from the wood .

(C)          The monkeys saw some warm place to rest in the jungle.

(D)          Monkeys saw that animals were asleep in their homes.

(E)          None of these.

6.   What lesson did the bird learn ?

(A)          One should give advice to everyone

(B)          Advice should be given even when not asked

(C)          One should not help a fool

(D)          None of these

English Language Mock Test 18

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DIRECTIONS : Q.7 – 35 :  Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

7.  A person who advocates such measures / as a friend of would be dictators /

       A                                                                        B          

       and , by the same token / enemy of democracy / No Error.

             C                                             D                  E

8.  It is commonly believed / that westerners are cruel and greedy / but every Indian /

                       A                                                           B                C                   

     kind and charitable / No Error.

    D                             E

9.  The Persian army would have been victorious / but for the fact / that the Commander /

A                                                             B                                  C

     behaved  cowardly and ordered retreat / No Error.

                     D                                             E

10.  The taxi travelled at such a speed / and such a erratic course / that it nearly collided /

A                                              B                                          C                                            

       with a car / No Error.

      D               E

11.  He knows / neither / Bengali nor Gujarati / nor Marathi / No Error.

                A             B                             C                              D                   E

12.  Here is a student / whose mind works quickly / but his / actions are slow / No Error.

    A                                  B                                   C                     D                           E

13.  There has been / a severe drought / and three fourth of the district / is in the grip of famine /

    A                                B                                               C                                                      D

          No Error.


14.  There were / the roar of the river / the thunder of lightning / and the Cries of men and women /

                A                             B                                          C                                                 D

         No Error.


15.  Success and failure / will not affect / one who is interested in one’s work / as a sacred duty /

    A                                     B                                           C                                                          D

         No Error.


16.  You were enough wise / not to allow / him any  entry / in your house / No Error.

        A                                 B                             C                           D                       E

17.  Modern critics are agreed / that Kalidas is as  great / if not greater / poet than Tennyson /

A                                             B                                     C                                     D

         No Error.


18.  Our father used to say / that reading of history added / to one’s knowledge /  No Error.

                                A                                                  B                                        C                           D

19.  I have written to the Chairman / that if he wants me to cope with / the work he should give me /

     A                                                               B                                                          C

        a better and efficient typist / No Error.

                   D                                   E

20.  Drunk as he was he drove the car /so  fastly  that every moment / there was a danger / of

A                                                    B                                            C                              D

         accident / No Error.


English Language Mock Test 19

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21.  I have calculated that / the circulation of the times of India / is larger than that of /

      A                                                       B                                                    C

         any daily in the country / No Error.

                          D                                E

22.  The candidate’s score is not high / and / I have no hesitation in recommending him / for the job

A                                B                                                C                                                    D

         / No Error.


23.  The examination has / been postponed / to / September / No Error.

                        A                              B                   C              D                       E

 24.  The escape of David to France / was successfully arranged, but no sooner was this done / that /

A                                                                          B                                                          C

George was captured and held prisoner / No Error.

                       D                                           E

25.  Hardly had I reached / the bus stop I / was hit by / a very thick metal rod / No Error.

       A                                      B                        C                              D                                 E

26.  He claims that / he has read/ the book word by word / No Error.

                  A                         B                           C                                    D

27.  No less than / twenty persons were killed / in / the train accident / No Error.

A                                  B                                C      D                          E

28.  This news / is / of a latter date / than that / No Error.

A             B              C                             D                 E

29.  The later lessons / of this book / are / not  interesting / No Error.

     A                             B                 C                    D                       E

30.  His written comment / differs in / several respects from his / verbal comment / No Error.

             A                                          B                             C                                        D                          E

31.  Since the day he behaved / Shabbily towards my servant / I have not been /

         A                                                        B                               C                                    

on talking terms with him / No Error.

  D                                 E

32.  She is the beautiest / and rich girl / in / the city / No Error.

       A                         B                C           D                E

33.  I doubt that / she will / win / the match / No Error.

A               B            C              D                     E

34.  Supposing if/ Avinash fails / what will / he do? / No Error.

A                         B                       C              D                E

35.  I will punish my servant / who has / hanged the picture / on the wall / No Error.

                  A                  B                        C                             D                      E

English Language Mock Test 20

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1.          (C)            2.            (B)          3.            (E)          4.            (D)          5.            (E)          6.           (C)

7.            D             Say ,  “ an enemy of …………..” . ( Balance the sentence ) .

8.           C             Say ,  “ every Indian is kind …………” . ( Appropriate verb ) .

9.            D             Say ,  “ behaved like a coward ” ( cowardly is an adjective ) .

10.          B             Say ,  “ on such a erratic course …………..” ) .

11.          D             Say ,   or Marathi  .

12.          C             Say , “ but whose ………….” . ( Balanced structure is needed ) .

13.          C             Say , “ three – fourths of the …………” . ( There are four parts ) .

14.          A             Say , “ there was the roar …………….” . ( There independent actions treated as one ) .

15.          A             Say , “ Success or failure …………..” . ( The two can’t happen simultaneously ) .

16.          A             Say , “ wise enough ……………….” ) .

17.          B             Say “ as great as …………….”. ( To complete the sentence ) .

18.          B             Say “ reading of the history ………………..” . ( Reading is particularized ) .

19.          D             Say “ a better and more efficient ” . ( Comparative degree required ) .

20.          B             Say , “ So fast …………….” . ( Fast is adverb and this is needed here ) .

21.          D             Say , “Than that of any other daily”  .

22.          B             Say , “ but I have no hesitation in spite of his low score  .

23.          A             Say , “ The examinations have been …………….”  .

24.          C             Replace ‘that by ‘than’ ( This follows the pattern “ no sooner……….than………….”  .

25.          B             Say , “ the bus stop when I …………” .

This follows the pattern “Hardly …………when………………”  .

26.          C             Say ,  “ used for word ”  .

27.          A             Say ,  “ no fewer than ………” .

‘ Less ’ is used for quantity while ‘ fewer ’ is used for number . Here , in this sentence, the number and not the quantity of persons has been  mentioned  .

28.          C             Say ,  “ of a later date …………………..” .

‘ Later’ is the normal comparative of ‘Late’. Latter’ refer to ‘position’ and not ‘time’ .

29.          A             Say ,  “ the latter lessons ……………..”  .

30.          D             Say , “ oral comment ”.

‘Oral’ means ‘delivered by word of mouth, not written while ‘verbal’ means’ pertaining to words spoken, written or printed’ .

31.          B             ‘towards’ should be replaced by ‘with’  .

32.          B             Say , “ and richest girl ………………” .

When two adjectives defer to the same person or Noun and one of them is in the superlative degree, the other adjective must also be in  the superlative degree  .

33.          A             Say ,  “ I doubt whether ……………..” .

We should use whether when there is the sense of  ‘doubt’ in a sentence .

34.          A             Say , “ Supposing Avinash fails ………………..”.

‘Supposing’ and ‘if’ both convey the same sense so they can’t be used together in the same sentence  .

35.          C             Say ,  ‘hung the picture …………………..’.

‘Hanged’ means’ to put to death by suspending by  the neck’. ‘Hung’ means suspending on the wall etc.” .


DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 12 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1.  Survival of mankind itself is in danger due to ——————— of atomic weapons.

(a) perpetuation      (b)  regularization      (c)  provocation      (d)  proliferation     (e)  exploration

2.  Defection is an unprincipled practice which can do —————— damage to the democratic process.

(a)  incalculable        (b)  intolerable        (c)  indispensable        (d)  infallible       (e)  inalienable.

3.  —————— between labor and management is inevitable in any industrial society.

(a)  coordination        (b)  competition       (c)  friction         (d)  association        (e)  controversy.

4.  Change in the Socio – economic environment have generated a sense of —————— crisis among   the people.

(a)  deliberate      (b)  fearful       (c)  damaging        (d)  questionable      (e)  profound.

5.  Although he never learnt to read, his exceptional memory and enquiring mind eventually made him a   very ——————— man.

(a)  benevolent       (b)  dedicated       (c)  pragmatic        (d)  charismatic       (e)  erudite.

6.  Publication of the article was timed to ——————- with the professor’s fiftieth birthday.

(a)  coincide       (b)  harmonize      (c)  amalgamate       (d)  terminate       (e)  elucidate.

7.  The concept is so ——————- that no one has succeeded even in defining it.

(a)  fragmentary      (b)  morbid       (c)  elusive        (d)  slanderous        (e)  mastoid

8.  Through a ——————- circumstance, we unexpectedly found ourselves on the same steamer with  cousin Sanjay.

(a)  fortuitous        (b)  fetid        (c)  friable         (d)  lambent        (e)  habitual

9.   I had a terrible night caused by an ——————— during my sleep.

(a)  epilogue       (b)  insipidity         (c)  insouciance         (d)  optimum          (e)  incubus.

10.  The President called upon the people to —————their religious differences and strengthen secularism in the country.

(a)  abolish       (b)  exhort       (c)  sink      (d)  condemn        (e)  weapon.

11.  When the liquid has been used up; the ——————- in the bottom of the flask should be thrown  away.

(a)  relief       (b)  surplus      (c)  residue     (d)  portion     (e)  part.

12. His energy was unbounded, his resourcefulness inexhaustible ; and his coolness in the face of danger almost—————.

(a)  unreasonable       (b)  uncanny        (c) uncharitable        (d)  uncivil       (e)  natural

English Language Mock Test 21

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DIRECTIONS : Q. 13 – 30 :               Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

13.  According tomy opinion / our education system / is / in shambles / No Error.

A                     B                      C                D                 E

14.  Anju as well as / Ritu and Sanjay / were/ present in the function / No Error.

                   A                             B                          C                             D                             E

15.  The bungalow with its / furniture and fittings / were / sold / No Error.

                           A                                  B                       C       D            E

16.  Not only the Principal / but also / the teachers was / present in the meeting / No Error.

A                         B                         C                                     D                                       E

17.  Not only the teachers / but also / the Principal was / present in the meeting / No Error.

                  A                              B          C                                       D                           E

18.  Neither she / nor / her brothers / is angry / No Error.

A             B               C                D               E

 19.  Neither he / nor / I is / a singer / No Error.

  A              B      C           D              E

20.  Many a man / were / opposed to the idea of / making the attendance in the lectures compulsory

             A                       B                             C                                                                      D

       / No Error.


21.  I slept / rather late last night; / the new TV serial / was very engrossing / No Error.

           A                         B                                             C                                      D                             E

22.  Continual conflict / between / city – states caused the eventual decline / of Greek civilization

     A                             B                                                     C                                                        D

       /  No Error.


 23.  He assured that he / will / look after her ailing mother /during her absence / No Error.

        A                         B                               C                                            D                                E

24.  Although his house lacks / the architectural beauty, it is well planned / and comfortable to / live

A                                                             B                                                        C                            D

       in / No Error.


25.  I have been trying to locate / my English book, I can’t remember / whom / I lent it to / No Error.

A                                        B                     C               D                  E

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26.  One of the questions / he asked / me was, “who did you travel with” ? / No Error.

             A                                           B                                                  C                                       D

27.  If you will / work hard, you / will pass / No Error.

A                     B                          C                   D

28.  None of them / were / able to comprehend / or solve the problem / No Error.

              A                          B                         C                                      D                        E

29.  She is wealthy / and can afford / all  the  pleasures of life / without care / No Error.

A                             B                             C                                    D                   E

30.  If you saw / the number of pancakes he consumed at breakfast /

A                                               B

     this morning, you would have understood / why he is so over weight / No Error.

C                                                             D                                     E

English Language Mock Test 23

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1.            (4)          2.            (1)          3.           (5)          4.           (5)          5.           (5)          6.           (1)         

7.            (3)          8.            (1)          9.           (5)          10.          (3)          11.         (3)          12.         (2)

13.          A             Say , either ‘According to me’ or  ‘In my opinion’  .

14.          C             Replace ‘were’ by ‘was’ .

Two nouns connected by ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘together with’, ‘in addition to’ ,  ‘besides’, ‘and not’, are followed by a verb in the ‘Singular from’  when the former of the two  nouns is in the singular form  .

15.          C             Replace ‘were’ by ‘was’  .

16.          C             Replace ‘was’ by ‘were’ .

When two nouns or pronouns are joined by “ Not  only………………….but also” , the verb agrees with the second noun or pronoun .

17.          E              No Error.

18.          D             Say , “ are angry ”. ( Nouns or pronouns joined by “ neither ………………….or ” and differing in Number and Person, take a verb which agree with the nearest  .

19.          C             Say , “ I am …………………”  .

20.          B             Replace ‘were’ by ‘was’. ( ‘Many a’ is always used in a singular sense ) .

21.          A             Say ,  “ I went to bed ………….” .

The context points more to getting into bed than to going to sleep , that may take two or more hours  .

22.          B             Replace ‘between’ by ‘among’ .

23.          B             Replace ‘will’  by ‘would’ . ( Past tense required ) .

24.          B             Say ,  “yet it is well planned ……………..,”  .

25.          C             Replace ‘whom’ by ‘who’ .

‘who’ and not ‘whom’ is used when the preposition ‘to’  with etc. is at the end of the sentence ) .

26.          E              No error.

27.          A             Say ,  “ If you work hard …………….” .

If there is an idea of two actions both taking place  in the future one after the principal clause is written in the ‘present indefinite’, whereas the subordinate clause is written in the ‘ future Indefinite’ .

Also note the following sentences  :

  • If she comes, I will meet her .
  • If she came, I would meet her . 
  • If she had come, I would have met her .

28.          B             Say ,  “ was able to ” .

29.          D             Say ,  “ without a care ”  .

30.          A             Say ,  “ If you had seen ………………………..”  .


DIRECTIONS : Q.1 – 5 :     In each of the following questions, a sentence is given which contains an idiom or a phrase that has been underlined. Below the sentence are given four alternative meanings of the idiom / phrase marked A, B, C and D . You are required to choose one which most closely expresses the meaning .

  1. The youngest son got the lion’s share of the father’s property.

(A) equal share      (B) the largest share    (C) the smallest share    (D) deserved share.

2. It was discovered that the Youngman was over head and ears in love with his cousin.

(A) secretly     (B)  openly     (C) completely    (D) sufficiently.

    3.  You will repent if you let the gross grow under your feet.

  (A) remain inactive     (B) take precipitate action     (C) become important      (D) become indifferent.

     4.  He has the habit of running down his own people.

     (A)  commending      (B) speaking ill of     (C) being indifferent     (D) deceiving.

      5. We have to keep our fingers cross till the final result is declared.

     (A)  feel suspicious      (B)  feel scared       (C)  keep praying      (D)  wait expectantly.

6. John always does everything by fits and starts.

     (A)  in a nervous condition    (B)  in sudden out bursts of energy   (C)  by a violent start  

     (D)  in a thorough manner.

7. Let me tell you, I will not put up with this habit of yours.

     (A)  tolerate     (B)  discuss      (C)  encourage     (D)  laugh at.

8. Mr. X is not cut out for this kind of work.

     (A)  trained      (B) suitable     (C) recommended      (D) considered

9. There is no need to go over the third chapter of the book again.

     (A)  overlook       (B)  criticize      (C)  study carefully     (D)  learn by heart.

10. Seema and I have known each other for a long time but when I met her the other day, for some  unknown reason, she cut me dead .

        (A)  abused me    (B) treated me as a complete stranger    (C)  shouted at me   (D) showed dislike for   me .

11. The Reporter said to the editor, “you need not consult anyone, you can take my word for it”

         (A) believe what I say     (B) use the word I suggest     (C) take my promise   (D) listen to my explanation.

12.  After having finished the last project, I find myself at a loose end.

        (A) happy    (B) on vacation    (C) free of troubles   (D) with nothing to do.

13. The factory dismissed Mr. Prem and made no bones about it .

        (A) made no secret of it   (B) did not consult anyone   (C) did not defend the act (D) had no scruple about  it.

14. There is no love lost between the two though they pretend to be friends.

        (A) no blood relationship   (B) jealousy   (C) no agreement     (D) mutual dislike.

15. No one expected Mr. Srivastava to win in the elections but he proved to be a dark horse.

        (A) a corrupt person   (B) a person with unsuspected abilities   (C) the favorite winner  (D) a crooked man

English Language Mock Test 24

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DIRECTIONS : Q. 16 – 35 :   Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

16.The man was / tired, irritable / and needed sleep .

                   A                          B                             C

17.  A lot of people / say that a lot of sugar / is / wasted / No Error.

    A                                  B                           C          D               E

 18.  He abused, / insulted and / I was irritated.

A                             B                         C

19.  You said you would introduce me / to a friend  of yours / who has a car / to sell / No Error.

        A                                                     B                          C                D               E

20.   Due to / a breakdown / on the line, he was late / to the office / No Error.

            A       B                                   C                                    D                 E

21.  The difficulty here is / due to / the oversight / already mentioned / No Error.

                      A                              B                        C                              D                              E

22.  If you persevere / you may succeed / to go / to the office / No Error.

                      A                               B                   C                D     E

23.  Finishing his breakfast, / he started working / on the problem that had been awaiting /

        A                                           B                                                             C

        disposal for a long time / No Error.

             D                   E

24.  Being very often ill and frequently absent / he had no opportunity, / to finish his work or infact ,/

                                        A                                                                        B                                          C

        do much of it / No Error.

D                       E

25.  Entering the garret,/ we found/ Ramesh hanging/ from the ceiling .

                       A                           B                        C                            D

26.  I was excited, being / the first time for a few years at least / that I had travelled by sea /

    A                                        B                                                        C

        to a foreign country / No Error.

  D                                   E

27.   He behaves / as if / he were / a king / No Error.

              A               B            C                D               E

28.  He loved her / as though / she had been / his  wife / No Error.

                A                   B                        C                    D                    E

29.  The hero together with / his family was / present in / the party / No Error.

                      A                                   B                         C                  D                      E

30.  In evaluating your progress, I have taken / into account your /

A                                                     B

       class room performances, your receptivity and / how you have improved / No Error.

                                                C                                                        D                 E

31.  The mission of / his life is to improve the lot / of socially oppressed / and economically deprived

                    A                                         B                                                  C                                              D

      /  No Error.


32.  The interference / with nature / often / brings disaster / No Error.

                     A                             B                  C                   D                             E

33.  After Napoleon had lost / the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 / he had been exiled /

               A                                                 B                                                          C

       to the island of St. Helena / No Error.

                   D                                      E

34.  The director knowing of my interest / in linguistics asked me / that I would like /

       A                                                            B                                       C

         to attend the national seminar / No Error.

 D                                 E

35.  Thanks to an insight / and persistence of the local doctor, hundreds /   of victims have been able / to

                        A                                                              B                                                                C

       resume normal life / No Error.

          D                       E

English Language Mock Test 25

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  1. (B)          2.            (C)          3.            (A)          4.           (B)          5.           (D)          6.           (A)         

7.    (B)          8.            (C)          9.            (B)          10.          (C)          11.          (A)          12.          (D)

13.  (A)          14.          (D)          15.          (B)

16.          D             Say ,  “and sleepy” ( To balance the sentence ) .

17.          E              No error .

‘A lot of ’ takes a singular verb when used for uncountable things while it takes a plural verb when used for countable things  .

18.          C             Say , “and irritated me”  .

19.          C             Say ,  “who had a car to ……………….”. ( Past tense is required here ) .

20.          A             Replace ‘Due to’ by ‘owing to’ .

‘Due to’ should be used after verbs to be, seem or appear, otherwise, use ‘owing to’  .

21.          E              No error .

22.          C             Say , “you may succeed in going to ………………..”  .

The verb go, in this kind of sentences, must be replaced by a ‘Gerund’  .

23.          A             Say ,  ‘ Having finished his breakfast, he ………………………..’  .

24.          E              No Error.

25.          A             Say, “on entering the …………………” .

26.          A             Say, “I was excited, it being ………………………..” .

27.          E              No Error .

If the subordinate clause is introduced by ‘as if ’ or ‘as though’  use

 Past  Tense for the ‘Present Time’ and  Past  Perfect for the ‘Past Time’ .

28.          E              No Error .

29.          E              No Error.

If two subjects are joined by ‘as well as’,  ‘ together with’ , ‘with’, ‘in addition to’, ‘no less than’,  ‘in addition to ’ , ‘ and not ’ etc., the verb agrees with the first subject .

30.          D             Say ,  “and how much you have…………………”  .

31.          A             Say , “ the mission in his life ………………………..”  .

32.          A             Delete ‘ The’  before  interference  .

As interference is an unaccountable noun and does not take any article .

33.          C             Say ,  “he was exited to ……………..”  .

34.          C             Say ,  “I would like to ……………………….”  .

35.          A             Say ,  “Thanks to the insight…………………………..” .

>>English Language Part – 2 Course Content

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