English Language Mock Test 21

Welcome to your English Language Mock Test 21

According tomy opinion / our education system / is / in shambles / No Error.

DIRECTIONS : Q. 1 – 10 :    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is E.

Anju as well as / Ritu and Sanjay / were/ present in the function / No Error.

The bungalow with its / furniture and fittings / were / sold / No Error.

Not only the Principal / but also / the teachers was / present in the meeting / No Error.

Not only the teachers / but also / the Principal was / present in the meeting / No Error.

Neither she / nor / her brothers / is angry / No Error.

Neither he / nor / I is / a singer / No Error.

Many a man / were / opposed to the idea of / making the attendance in the lectures compulsory / No Error.

I slept / rather late last night; / the new TV serial / was very engrossing / No Error.

Continual conflict / between / city – states caused the eventual decline / of Greek civilization / No Error.