General Knowledge Mock Test 18

Welcome to your General Knowledge Mock Test 18

Harsh Vardhan was the son of ..........................., the Raja of Thanesar .

Chalukyan king Pulakesin II defeated ....................... on the banks of Narmada.

Chola dynasty was founded by Parantoka I in ..................?

Chalukyan dynasty was founded by....................?

During the reign of .............. the Indians launched overseas conquests and many islands like Lacchadvips and Maldives conquered.

Village assemblies were developed during the reign of ......................?

Hampi was the capital of ..................?

Vijayanagar Empire (1336-1565-AD), a Hindu rule in the South India, was founded by ..........................?

THE Vijayanagar ruler Ramaraja was killed In the Battle of .................?

In the Battle of Talikota was fought in....................?