General Knowledge Mock Test 8

Welcome to your General Knowledge Mock Test 8

Megasthenes was Contemporary of ..................... ?

Harishena was Contemporary of ..................... ?

Fa-hein was Contemporary of ..................... ?

Kalidas, Aryabhatta , Varahmitra, and Brahmagupta were Contemporaries of ................ ?

Charak (Physian), Nagarjun, and Asvaghosh were Contemporaries of ................ ?

Banabhatta, Heiun T. Sang ( or Yuan – Chwang ) were Contemporaries of ................ ?

Ramdas, and Tukaram were Contemporaries of ................ ?

Alberuni, and Firadausi were Contemporaries of ................ ?

Mohmud Ghori ( 1186 -1206 AD ) was Contemporary of ..................... ?

Amir Khusro was Contemporary of ..................... ?