General Knowledge Mock Test 8 Welcome to your General Knowledge Mock Test 8 Megasthenes was Contemporary of ..................... ? Chandragupta Maurya (321-298 B . C.) Samundragupta (330 – 375 AD) Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (375 A.D.- 414 A.D.) Skand Gupta (455 – 477 A .D.) None Harishena was Contemporary of ..................... ? Samundragupta (330 – 375 AD) Skand Gupta (455 – 477 A .D.) Kanishaka (120 – 162 A.D) None of the above None Fa-hein was Contemporary of ..................... ? Chandragupta Maurya (321-298 B . C.) Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (375 A.D.- 414 A.D.) Mohmud Gazni ( 997-1030 AD ) Shivaji ( 1627-1680 AD ) None Kalidas, Aryabhatta , Varahmitra, and Brahmagupta were Contemporaries of ................ ? Kanishaka (120 – 162 A.D) Mohmud Gazni ( 997-1030 AD ) Skand Gupta (455 – 477 A .D.) None of the above None Charak (Physian), Nagarjun, and Asvaghosh were Contemporaries of ................ ? Kanishaka (120 – 162 A.D) Harsha Vardhan ( 606 – 647 A.D.) Shivaji ( 1627-1680 AD ) None of the above None Banabhatta, Heiun T. Sang ( or Yuan – Chwang ) were Contemporaries of ................ ? Shivaji ( 1627-1680 AD ) Alaudin Khilji ( 1296 – 1316 ) Harsha Vardhan ( 606 – 647 A.D.) Samundragupta (330 – 375 AD) None Ramdas, and Tukaram were Contemporaries of ................ ? Shivaji ( 1627-1680 AD ) Skand Gupta (455 – 477 A .D.) Mohmud Gazni ( 997-1030 AD ) None of the above None Alberuni, and Firadausi were Contemporaries of ................ ? Mohmud Ghori ( 1186 -1206 AD ) Mohmud Gazni ( 997-1030 AD ) Akbar Gautam Buddha None Mohmud Ghori ( 1186 -1206 AD ) was Contemporary of ..................... ? Amir Khusro Prithviraj Chauhan Shivaji ( 1627-1680 AD ) None of the above None Amir Khusro was Contemporary of ..................... ? Alaudin Khilji ( 1296 – 1316 ) Harsha Vardhan ( 606 – 647 A.D.) Gautam Buddha Kanishaka (120 – 162 A.D) None Time's up