The first NRA CET, as per the media reports, will be held in the month of June 2023. Earlier, Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Saturday 13th March, 2021, had said that the Common Eligibility Test (CET) for government jobs recruitment is likely to be held around September this year. Mr. Jitendra was referring to the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) which was constituted last year, with the approval of the Union Cabinet, for conducting the CET .
NRA CET Latest News : Online Common Eligibility Test
Union Minister Jitendra Singh
> NRA CET at a Glance
Elaborating on NRA CET, Mr. Singh said, “As a major boon for the youth, particularly the government job aspirants, a Common Eligibility Test (CET) will be conducted across the country from this year to screen and shortlist candidates for recruitment to central government jobs”. The first such test is likely to be held in the later part of 2021, probably around September or so, added Mr. Singh.
It is a “path-breaking transformational reform” carried out by the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) was possible because of the personal intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his deep concern for the youth, added Mr. Singh.
It is a “path-breaking transformational reform” carried out by the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) was possible because of the personal intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his deep concern for the youth, added Mr. Singh.
>> NRA CET Eligibility Criteria
The government of India has taken this historic measure to provide a level playing ground to every candidate so that none of the job aspirants is at a disadvantage and has an equal opportunity, regardless of his or her background or socio-economic status, said Mr. Singh.
At the same time, this measure will also be beneficial for women and Divyang candidates as well as those who find it financially unaffordable to appear for multiple tests by travelling to different centres, he pointed out.
The NRA will be an independent, autonomous organisation responsible for shortlisting candidates for certain categories for which recruitment is carried through the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), elaborated Mr. Singh.
The CET will only be the test for preliminary screening of candidates for the jobs, Mr, Singh clarified. The existing recruiting agencies like SSC, RRBs and IBPS would continue to conduct specific recruitment as per their requirements after shortlisting candidates through CET.
Special Note
If you are planning to appear in the forthcoming government examinations, then you must read the above article It will give answer to all of your queries in this regard and keep you updated about the latest examination pattern and selection process. The young job seekers want to know about “Common Eligibility Test by NRA, Exam Dates, Centres & Eligibility”. They often ask “NRA CET (Common Eligibility Test) 2021, NRA CET 2021: Exam Date Out, NRA CET Exam 2021: Highlights, NRA CET 2021: Latest Updates, NRA CET 2021: Cabinet Approve Setting-Up of NRA, National Recruitment Agency (NRA), NRA CET 2021: Scores Used By, CET 2021: Scores to be used by PSU’s and Private Companies.You can Find Detailed Answers to All such Queries in the above Article
Take Away
Now it is clear that in the first phase the government has introduced NRA CET to a limited number of Exams Like SSC CGLE, IBPS. However, Gradually, NRA CET would become the first level of the selection process of most of the government recruitment tests. Hence, it should give you the answer to the question”NRA CET: Why not Apply? ” Yes, since you have got complete details about this exam in this article “NRA CET: Why not Apply? you must apply for NRA CET Exam if you want to get a government .
In the first phase the government has introduced NRA CET to a limited number of Exams Like SSC CGLE, IBPS. However, gradually, NRA CET would become the first level of the selection process of most of the government recruitment tests. Hence, it should give you the answer to the question “NRA CET: Why not Apply? ” Yes, since you have got complete details about this exam in this article “NRA CET: Why not Apply? you must apply for NRA CET Exam if you want to get a government.