Reasoning Ability Mock Test 15

Welcome to your Reasoning Ability Mock Test 15

(Q.1) (i) Six boys are so standing that they form a circle each facing the center. (ii) Alok is to the left of Prabhat. (iii) Sunil is between Ashok and Vikash. (iv) Hari is between Alok and Ashok. Who is to the left of Vikash ?

In the above question, Which statements (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) in Q.1 are superfluous ?

Six students are sitting in a row. K is sitting between V and R. V is sitting next to M. M is sitting next to B who is sitting on the extreme left and Q is sitting next to R. Who are sitting adjacent to V ?

Six families A, B, C, D, E and F are living in flats in a row. B has F and D as neighbors. E has A and C  as neighbors. A does not live next to either F or D . B does not live next to D. Who are F’s next door  neighbors ?

(i)   Five girls are standing in a row facing East. (ii)  Savita is to the left to Usha, Tulsa and Urmila. (iii) Usha, Tulsa and Urmila are to the left of Kumud. (iv) Urmila is between Usha and Tulsa. If Tulsa is fourth from the left, how far is Usha from the right ?

In the above question, Which of the statements (i), (ii) , (iii) and (iv) in Q.5 is superfluous ?