Reasoning Ability Mock Test 8 Welcome to your Reasoning Ability Mock Test 8 In a certain code PRAMOD is written as SODJRA. How is KESHAV written in the code ? NBVEDS MBVEDS NBVEDQ NBVODS None In a certain code MONKEY is written as XDJMNL . How would TIGER be written in that code ? QDFHH QDFHS PDFHS QDDHS None In a certain Code, PROSE is written PPOQE. How would LIGHT be written in that code ? LGGFF LGGFT LLGFT LGRFT None In a certain code RATIONAL is written as RTANIOLA. How would TRIOLA is coded TRIBAL be written in that code ? TIRLBA TIRLBB BIRLBA TIRUBA None In a certain code FORGET is written as DPPHCU. How would DOCTOR be written in that code ? BPAUMN BPAUMT BPAUMS BPBUMS None In a certain code Clock is write n KCOLC, how is STEPS written in that code ? SPETS SPETR SPETU SPETSO None In a certain Code, the word SERPENT is written as TNEPRES. How will word PLAGUE be written in that code ? EUGALPK EUGALC EUGALP EUGALP None In a certain code, METAPHER is written as EMATHPRE. How is NORMAL written in that code ? ONMRLA ONMRLB ONMRLC ONMELA None In a certain code FIELD is written as GJFME. How is SIEKLE written in that code ? TJDLMJ TJDLMF TJDLMG TJDLMS None In a certain code, PRACTICE is written as PICCTRAE. How is FLAMES written in that code ? FMELAA FMELAG FMELAP FMELAS None Time's up